No. Korea does it again

Americans have nothing to fear from North Korea. They wont be able to weaponize a warhead (Make it small enough to fit on the top of a missile) for the foreseeable future.

Then they would have to actually have a missile capable of making across the ocean and hitting an American target I put those odds 1000:1 . If their recent satellite launch is an example of what they are capable of Im not too worried.

Now South Korea on the other hand..... They are F*cked if NK can get a nuke 10 miles over the border, and I consider those odds much higher.

But, China would never let that happen. So all NK has is a High School level nuclear program, the Michelin tire man as king, and a nice neighborhood with neighbors that dont want to be reduced to rubble.

You could take NK overnight if you could get China to back a plan and convince the population that they need to hold an election.
Its not like we havent straight up "Lost" a few nukes before.

They could in theory sell a nuke to another country, although that isnt really their MO. I doubt they could even get it out of the country, its not in China's best interest to have NK selling nukes. SK is locked down, they could try and get one out by sea but again they would have to get through Japanese, SK, Russian, and finally American waters.

If someone wanted to get a few nukes look no further than Pakistan, or any of the eastern bloc countries that were disbanded after the USSR fell, Kazakhstan and Ukraine used to have nukes before they sold them back to the Russians.

Iran could piece together a bomb, and I wouldn't be surprised if several other countries have or are working towards a bomb that no one knows about.

And remember making a nuke is easy now, weaponizing it isnt, and making its yield high enough to be a deterrent is also difficult.
No doubt someone could sneak a nuke sized object into the US, but I find it difficult to believe that NK could even get it out of their country. And even less difficult to believe that they could make the sale without being noticed.

From my understanding the whole nuke would fit nicely in a tractor trailer.

And remember NK had nothing to gain from using a nuke and everything to lose. The nuke is not for us but for its own people, its part of their propaganda show.