No More 8.9-inch Netbooks From Asus

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It won't be a problem. There are plenty manufacturers out there now who will probably continue making 9 inch models.
Acer will probably continue making those netbooks of theirs that have been selling so well.
I think this is a hoax.
Asus claimed it will release the T91 just a couple of months ago, and the 901 series eeepc's are bestsellers, sell more than the 10" versions!

A 10" notebook may fit a near to full sized keyboard, but it is also a near sized laptop!
The resolution of this device is the same as on the 9" version,
yet the performance and battery life is lower!
The 9" version is still the sweet spot to me!
Their previous 7" versions where a bit too small.
Well, it may just be that consumers realize that an ultra-portable laptop is what they really want and smartphones can easily fill in for the rest. I guess to some degree the same is true with PDAs that grew to big by trying to be everything. I mean, if I want it with me all the time it needs to fit in my pocket. If not, I need a bag anyway and the difference between the netbook and the ultraportable is very small in that regard. In fact, I would argue that the MacBook Air is probably easier to store since it's thinner.
I love my Eee PC 900A. Just small enough to fit in my pocket. It is sad that they will all get bigger. I guess I will just have to buy my next netbook from Acer. Besides, from what I have seen they are of better quality and cheaper.
7 inch notebooks are almost 8.9 inch size and the screen looks terrible. 901 is my favourite that it has no large edges and If I was going to buy a 10" pc why would I pay extra for it when I can buy 13.3"s at a great price_
I've heard good things about Acer.

On another note, a member of my family got a small netbook that had a 5" screen, 20gb HDD, and some pretty powerful internal components. Got it from Hong Kong seven years ago.

I personally would rather have a slightly larger screen and the ability to actually type on a properly sized keyboard. Otherwise I'm wasting my time getting a netbook and should just use a smartphone or a wifi capable device like a PSP, because I think it's ridiculous to have something that's larger than those devices yet lacks some of the biggest advantages of a laptop.
I bought an EEE900 last summer for the kids to try before University. We all felt the keyboard was too small for any large amount of typing. Instead they each got a 1000H. The difference in the keyboards is phenomenal. The 1" larger screen is just that little bit easier to read, especially for locating the vertical cursor. Yes, the larger battery and screen are a little heavier and bulkier than the 9", but we all think the trade-off is worth it. I am not surprised that ASUS is dropping the 9" model. And from what I have been reading, ACER is moving up an inch now as well. The usability/portability line seems to be drawn at 10".
I still like "smaller is better" notebooks. Come on, The EeePC uses the CeleronM or ATOM! This is no way a desktop replacement.
Many seem to like the 10", but if you're getting a netbook that size/cost, then may as well get a real notebook.
Hopefully the GN40/Pineview or the Ion/Atom(or Nano) is a step in the right direction for cheap, efficient, and ultra-portable computing.
Asus seems to think the cheap, small, portable One Laptop Per Child idea is dead.
i.e. If it doesn't have notebook performace - screen - keyboard, then may as well fit in my pocket.
you guys must have small hands. It took a long while to get used to my msi wind keyboard. When I first tried typing on an Eee900 and 901. It's just impossible I have to finger peck to type and who wants to do that. and if you thought thats bad check out the dell mini 9 ahhhhh! The 10 inchers are significantly better and why would I want to spend 300 dollars more or twice the price and weight on a 13 inch laptop to check email, take notes, and surf the net. Not needed. I think its a good move and I think the marked is better suited to slimer and thinner 10 inch designs like there new 1002.
No one is discussing that 10" netbooks have better keyboards than 3-9" netbook keyboards or real notebooks are heaver. (and there is no land of small finger people either).
I just personally think the 10" netbooks just cost too much and moves the new EeePCs too close to notebook territory. So it's losing its charm as an ultra cheap Internet only device.
But yes, agree, netbooks are the best if you must spend less than $500 and must have 10".
I also don't like the Atom CPUs until they're used in pocket devices (but that's a different story).
agree with the guy above, 10inch is still nowhere near 13 to 14 inch notebooks in terms of size and weight while less than 10inch is sacrificing a lot of comfort, in typing and screen space.
Reason Netbooks are selling so well is because people want something better than just a PDA device. They want to whip it out...check some e-mails, surf the net a little bit and then call it a day. Then they go home to their main PC for real stuff.

Netbooks are popular for the reasons they are small and easy to use for simple stuff. They know they can't depend on netbooks for heavy stuff like Photoshop. They just want something simple and easy enough to use and not having to deal with smartphone PDAs.
My "sweet spot"


Anyways,as you can tell from above,having very large hands are a PITA on tiny form factor laptops - netbooks.I hope to actually see an Nvidia Ion with a 12" or larger screen that has a full sized QWERTY,even if it sacrifices a few other keys.
Sept. 08 I purchased an HP netbook 8.9 direct from HP and had it upgraded to a 1.6 processor and 2 gigs of memory. I love my little toy. I call it my "Senior Citizen Blackberry". (I'm over 65.) It fits in my book bag for taking to school. When I use it at home, I attach a regular size moniter to it as well as a full size USB keyboard. I already use a blue-tooth mouse that works better than any wireless mouse I have ever had. I'm good to go!!
Hey ConnieFromAlpine, you're hot!
But have you tried wireless laser mice -- specifically an MS Desktop 6000 version? Very sweet, very precise.
Also, did you get the HP netbook with Vista Business installed? I've been contemplating that one... but I saw it with the VIA CPU, gahhh!
You're doing what I would by using an external kb & monitor at home (and, I presume, the BT mouse?) Take care!
Faux Molder (just a half-year over 45)
I just wish they would make a high resolution version of the 1000. I had to go up to a light 12-inch in order to get anything with reasonable resolution. I do a lot of *light* image work while at uni (digital media - can you blame me?). I stress light.. at least toolbars don't take up half the screen now.

But yes, i think 10 inch is the way forward..
10-inch isn't THAT much bigger than the 8.9. My wife carries her U110 everywhere in her purse.

The 10" netbooks are just easier to type on than the 8.9. That is why I switched from my EEE 901 to an EEE 1000HE.
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