Well now... While you will not have a setting in the BIOS for ram frequency for exactly 3000 MHz you can adjust your Base Clock to come very close if not dead on the 3000 MHz mark. So saying "You will never get Ryzen to run at 3000 MHz" just simply is not true. You are forgetting that the memory multiplier runs off the base clock so when the base clock is changed the ram speed changes also. Whilst the Multiplier natively does not support 3000 MHz this does not mean it can not be reached.
So please be cautious on exactly how you word things because you are coming across very rude in fact.
2933 and 3067 are both reasonable speeds to run 3000mhz memory at which means 3000 mhz memory does "work" just not at the rated speed. Heck some of the early sets of "Ryzen approved" memory was DDR4 3000 kits.
So instead of ranting and expecting us to put up a sticky that really is a bit abusive and only has to do with basic semantics, how about you jump in and help people realize exactly how their memory can and will perform on a Ryzen system.