No option to change ram settings in uefi aptios utility setup


May 5, 2016
Hi guys, i have a asus x550za and recently upgraded it. After the upgrade the computer was able to read the memory. The only problem is it is now choppy and sometimes freezes. The specs of the memory are both the same but different brand. I read all over the web that it needs to be adjusted in the bios ram settings.. only problem is i dont have the option to ! There is an advance screen but no settings to adjust the ram speed and timing. It is a windos 10 machine. Thank you!
Prebuilt and laptops generally have a locked BIOS so you can't play with the settings and possibly screw something up. When you 'upgrade' either it works well or it doesn't. You could check and see if a newer BIOS is available, otherwise, can try different DRAM or simply put up with the problems

thanks for the reply. i figured that i had no options. but i saw where some people were able to actually adjust ram settings. i also seen some people that were able to unlock the advance features. this sucks! why would they make the laptop memory upgrade if its gonna work like crap. my ram is both different brand names but the specs are identical.