No PC boot with NVIDIA gpus

Oct 31, 2018
Hey guys, sorry if this has been posted before. I've been scouring the forums and can't find a solution.

This past week I came back to start up my pc and it wouldn't get past the motherboard start screen(no beep but case lights and fans turn on) at first an now doesn't display anything(no beep but case lights and fans still turn on). I've had my pc (with this exact same set up) for about 5 years now so I wouldn't be surprised if it was time to replace one of my parts. I ran each ram stick by itself and nothing helped until I took out my GPU (NVIDIA Gigabyte windforce gtx 760). The computer booted up fully through the OS and was functional on integrated graphics.

I figured by GPU must've gone bad so I swapped it with my roommates (AMD radeon 480) and the GPU booted right up. I even ran benchmarks to make sure I was getting the full power of the GPU. I figured this would confirm that it was my GPU so I ordered a new one (NVIDIA Evga 1050ti) and when I plugged it in I got the same lack of response as my 760. I sent it back thinking it may not be compatible (as that model didn't use any PSU connector and didn't know if my motherboard was putting out all the power it needed). Today I got the MSI geforce NVIDIA 1050ti version that runs off a 6 pin PCI power cable and it still didn't work with the same response(no beep but lights/fans on).

So today I tried my other friends EVGA NVIDIA 950 and that didn't change anything. I even put my old 760 windforce in his pc and it booted up his pc up fine.

I tried booting with the gpu and 1 ram stick as well as unplugging everything from the motherboard but the SSD, cpu, cpu fan, gpu, motherboard speaker and monitor.

What could the issue be? Does it have something to do with NVIDIA because I can run the AMD card with no issues. I even uninstalled the NVIDIA drivers in case they had been corrupted but nothing changed. What could have failed?

GPU (original): NVIDIA GeForce 760 gigabyte
GPU (replacement): NVIDIA GeForce 1050ti msi
CPU: AMD FX 6300
Motherboard: Gigabyte ga-78lmt-usb3
PSU: Corsair CX500w
Fan: Coolmaster hyper 212
SSD: Intel 250gb
your board isnt even uefi so the 1050ti wont boot at all which makes sense the 760 might have a switch to change bios if it doesnt its probably your motherboard
also try to update your motherboard

I tried to update the motherboard BIOS but it doesn't have any available updates, and I couldn't find anything talking about any sort of switch to change the bios. It all just happened when I went to boot it up one day, not after I changed anything or made any updates.

If the motherboard is what's having issues then why would the AMD card work consistently? I've been using the Radeon for a few weeks with no issues.

does it really not have one of those