No Post on my moms laptop


Dec 5, 2015
So i have this old hp pavilion g series laptop in front of me. The laptop wont go to post and the screen just stays dark while the power light turns on. she looked at some youtube videos that told her to take the memory out and hold the power button for 30 seconds while the battery was out and it was plugged in. this did not work. Another video said to leave it in its broken state for an hour or so, and this did not work either. I myself took three shots in the dark and tried booting it without the memory in it, then i tried booting without the hard drive in it, i then tried even disconnecting the wifi adapter and nothing worked. dont really know what to do on this one as i only have a mild to advanced understanding of hardware, and novice knowledge of software. Any help is appreciated.

i also tried hooking up an external monitor to said laptop, and the monitor recognized a signal but treated it like it was in sleep mode. the monitor went from no signal, to a black screen with a flashing power button, signaling life.

I would much rather try to fix it myself and if i cant its not worth repairing. justyin to save a couple bucks ya know?