No POST on my sons new custom gaming pc


Oct 1, 2005
My son just put together his first gaming system using a GeForce gtx founders edition graphics card.

All parts were new. When he turned it on the first time, there was no post. The fans would turn on but nothing else. The MB has onboard video so I plugged into that but still no post.

Next I removed the GeForce card and now it posts just fine. I do have the 6 pin connected to the GeForce.

Am I missing something I should be doing or is the new GeForce cars bad?
Shut down the PC and unplug the PSU from the power and shut off the monitor, even better unplug that too.

Put the GPU back in and connect it etc.

Reset the BIOS using the jumper on the MB, will be in the manual were that is.

Plug it back in and see what happens.
The GeForce was bought new. The box just says gtx 1060 founders edition

The cord from the psu says PCI-e on it. We used an hdmi cable from the GeForce to the monitor.

I tried having the hdmi plugged into both the GeForce and the onboard and as long as the GeForce is in the slot, the pc doesn’t post, no matter where the hdmi cable is.

If I pull the GeForce out of the slot and plug the hdmi into the onboard I get post and was able to install windows.
Shut down the PC and unplug the PSU from the power and shut off the monitor, even better unplug that too.

Put the GPU back in and connect it etc.

Reset the BIOS using the jumper on the MB, will be in the manual were that is.

Plug it back in and see what happens.