No Power - Please Help


Jan 9, 2014
I'm not sure if this is my mobo, case, or psu (however, I presume it is likely the mobo).

Sometimes (quite often) when my computer gets turned off it won't turn back on. I can press the power button over and over and it won't work. At random, one of the attempts will work and the pc will boot up.

I have developed a method where I toggle the switch on my PSU, then I press the power button a bunch, then flip the switch, press power button, flip switch, press power button (over and over again). Eventually the computer turns on.

I feel like it is an issue with my mobo. I have checked the connections in the chassis, and they all seem fine.

I hate turning my computer off because I'm afraid it won't turn back on (potentially never again). But things can't go on like this.

Please help!
It can be a faulty PSU as well. If possible, try testing with another PSU.

It can also be as simple as a faulty switch. If you know where the start switch header on the mobo is, try manually jumping them with a piece of metal to see if your system starts.

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