S Shrive22 Reputable Sep 4, 2015 64 0 4,630 Oct 3, 2015 #1 Right, so I installed Windows via a disc, and as usual it require a product key. I don't have my product key for some reason... So, is buying windows again the best option for me or is there another solution? Thanks for the help in advance!
Right, so I installed Windows via a disc, and as usual it require a product key. I don't have my product key for some reason... So, is buying windows again the best option for me or is there another solution? Thanks for the help in advance!
N noidea_77 Distinguished Jul 28, 2012 6,523 0 19,960 Oct 3, 2015 #2 Yes, buying a product key for your Windows edition is the best solution. Upvote 0 Downvote