No Signal: DVI-I Card, DVI-A to VGA Adapter, VGA Cable


Dec 18, 2013
Hi, I am getting no signal on my monitor. My GPU uses a DVI-I port, and I use a VGA cable that plugs into my monitors VGA port. So to solve this problem I purchased a DVI-A to VGA adapter, connecting the VGA cable from the monitor to the DVI-I port on GPU. Keep in mind, the product stated the DVI-A supports DVI-I.

So I plug everything in the right slots, it all fits together nicely. I start up my computer and the monitor has "no signal" for VGA. I am really clueless why this is not working, does anyone have any solutions? Thank-You.
what are your card. to make dvi -> vga (pasif) works

the dvi need to have analog pin 4 small dot in "+" dvi connector (as i remember)..
if the dvi port on your card has no analog pin, u either buy active converter or upgrade the monitor...

if the card have the pin then the problems maybe in other place (bios/psu/etc)