No signal on Monitor


Mar 27, 2014
I have a Compaq Presario (older version) and recently linked monitor was going black whilst remaining ON (green light). I switched it off and then on again and the screen showed the picture for about 5 seconds and then switched off again. I could see a very feint picture under the black screen This happened a number of times, but now the monitor shows no signal permanently. I have checked the monitor which appears to be working normally on another computer. Thinking it was the monitor's backlight I bought another monitor. No luck, but both monitors work on another computer. Can you tell me the possible scenarios for repair please.
First of all are you talking about a tower based system.
Or are you trying to connect another monitor to a laptop as a second display via the Vga port provided on the laptop ?

As a test to see if it is not a fault with the, vga graphics driver.

When you power the system on, keep tapping F8
Till you get the extended Os booting options.

Select Safe mode, once loaded if you have a picture on the monitor and it does not go off.

Go to add remove, uninstall the Intel video graphics driver.
Then restart windows in normal mode.
Then re install the graphics driver by the supplied driver disk or download the graphics driver from the HP support site for your model of presario computer.

Run or install the driver. restart the machine and it should resolve the problem.

If you have on board graphics on the board. And a Pci-e video card also fitted then try each of the vga ports on each, connecting them to the monitor cable.



Thanks for the replies. It is a tower system. I have tried all suggestions, including each vga port, but can not get signal to the monitor(s). Both monitors I now have work perfectly when linked to a laptop in the household.
Thanks anyway for your time, I will however save your responses should anything change. I am advised that windows xp is soon to be removed from updates, so I think it may be time to venture into windows 7 at least. Not being savvy with computers, I think my friend who is, may need to delve inside to enable me to transfer files etc. to my new computer, albeit a refurbished desktop.