No signal on Monitor.


Sep 21, 2017
hello good day. I ran into a problem while trying to reinstall windows 10 on my pc. Firstly it wont not allow me to install it, it kept saying cant install please reboot. So i tried to reboot into safe mode, However after doing that i cant get an image on my monitor i know the monitor is working i tried it on a new pc. I tried remove Ram, re plugged GPU and CPU. Not seeing an error lights on the motherboard. however I am getting HDD light activity an help would be appreciated.
i got it to work, i took it all part, resetted the motherboard, and put it back together and now it works.

Specs: i5 4690k, msi 970 me, ar z270 (mobo i believe), 8 gb ram. 750 psu evga gold.
ah the problem is that the monitor isnt showing any image now, so i cant access the bios. the thing i did was try to restart in safe mode. now everything starts, keyboard mouse lights up. but no image on monitor.
well am not sure how to update it now, as i cant see anything on the monitor. The monitor power led just keeps flashing, but the monitor is working on another pc i tired. This whole problem happen after i tried to boot into safe mode.
i got it to work, i took it all part, resetted the motherboard, and put it back together and now it works.

Specs: i5 4690k, msi 970 me, ar z270 (mobo i believe), 8 gb ram. 750 psu evga gold.