No signal to monitor.


Jan 7, 2015
Okay so I've been reading up on this issue for a couple of days and no luck.

Okay.. Well I just bought a new monitor and was setting it up, and while I was away from my pc it had froze. So I restart the system... Monitor shows "no signal" and goes into sleep mode. At first i thought my graphics card. So I bought a new one. Still nothing. The fans on the card spin up for 1 second than stops and starts up again on old and new card. This is a new build so I was freaking out and went in to the case and what do you know a ram was unseated... So I seated it and still nothing. Tried pulling it out and boot the system with one stick. Nothing. So I used another set of ram, nothing...

Now when my computer boots up it boots like normal all fans spin (besides gpu) and my pump turns on and there is no beeps.

I am at my wits end with this thing. It worked perfect before new monitor. Doesn't work with any monitor.

System build.

Motherboard: gigabyte ga-970a-d3p
Cpu: AMD fx 6300
Gpu: Xfx r9 270x (new) evga 750ti super clocked (old)
Hdd: seagate 500gb
Ssd: pny 120gb
Ram: corsair vengeance 16gb
Psu: corsair cx500(old) evga 750 supersonic (new) not installed yet
H80i cpu cooler with 5 system fans

That's kind of what I was thinking. Although I haven't started the computer with no ram to see if it will beep. I'll be putting the new psu in after work. I'll update then. Thank you!