I just installed a new gpu into one of my systems, however, every time i get a "no signal" message on my monitor. The graphics card works for sure and I can tell it's on because all the fans and lights turn on. The system is kind of older and it did come as a prebuilt computer. I just need to find out how I can get this graphics card to work with this system. The power supply in the system isn't what's wrong because it is a new psu that is 750W (a little overkill but just wanted to make sure i had enough power). I am just not sure at this point what to do to get this to work and actually display onto my monitor. When the card is plugged in, both onboard and video card ports display "no signal" to monitor, but whenever i take the gpu back out the system is back to how it was where the onboard works fine
I just need help figuring out what's wrong and how to get the gpu to work with this. Any help is appreciated!
Card: HD 4870 www.sapphiretech.com/productdetial.asp?Pid=DF13A8C4-6053-4C1A-A1E4-89376F292252&lang=eng
System: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883113248
I just need help figuring out what's wrong and how to get the gpu to work with this. Any help is appreciated!
Card: HD 4870 www.sapphiretech.com/productdetial.asp?Pid=DF13A8C4-6053-4C1A-A1E4-89376F292252&lang=eng
System: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883113248