No signal while GPU driver downloading


Dec 12, 2016
Hey guys!I got a quick question.
I got a new GTX 760 and when I gry to install the drivers (when ITS about 20-30%) done the screen goes on 'No signal' and there is no sound that something is installing but the PC is on.I have HDMI to DVI . and also I never had a graphics card before only the one in the Mobo. What can I do?

What do you mean by running ddu? and I got it of a friend

Ok thanks, if that does not work it means the card is dead ?

Also Do I clean out the Nvidia drivers or AMD drivers? or both?
Question from Ramzyy : "Graphics card 'Disconnecting?' when installing drivers"

Question from Ramzyy : "Graphics card disconnect when installing Drivers"


DDU = display driver uninstaller. Deletes leftover files from old drivers and allows you to install new ones.

Also try putting the card in a different system, if the issue persists, the card is dead.

I made a few of them becuause when I made the thread nothing came up. Sorry about that


I think the card is broken. I did all the steps that you told me nothing works. I also used the DDU tool and that did not help either. I got this card of a friend :/
Question from Ramzyy : "Graphics card 'Disconencting?' when installing drivers 'No Signal' On tv"

Psu: Corsair cx600
Gigabyte Gtx 760
there is no dust visible
I did download the drivers from Nvidia web
I also uninstalled the onboard drivers

You really have to stop making duplicate threads for the same problem.

If you got the card from a friend, I would give it back to him and make him show you that it works. Because theres a good chance the card is defective.

With everything you did it should work fine, the only other time I have seen something like this happen is when a pirated version of Windows is used.

I dont know then. Ill go to my friend and see if it works for him. My windows is not pirated.
And sorry for making threads. When I made 1 it would not show up so i thought it did not go through so I made another one.

Ill try later on. I had internet problems too. I reinstalled windows and everything is perfect now. Ill try to plug in the card once I get everything sorted with drivers etc. Then I'll let yall know :)

Ok worth trying first, then if it still fails then have your friend try it and prove it works.