No sound? Sound driver cannot be installed.


Aug 1, 2007
Hey guys, i just finished putting my new computer together, but there is one thing i cannot seem to find the solution. Iv got a GA-P35-DS3R/S3R Mother board with an Intel Quad core Q6600. I installed all the drivers, but can't play any music, no sound in game. I tried playing an MP3, and it tells me that the driver may be missing or it is in use by another program.

So i went on Gygabyte's site, and downloaded the new audio drivers, but can't install them, at the end of the setup it says: Install Realtek HD Audio Driver Failure !!

But i can't seem to understand why. I then went in the FAQ and after reading some, i updated my Windows XP PRO to SP2, and retried installing the drivers, same thing.

Help me guys plz. :)

My speaker are connected to the computer allright


Mar 23, 2007
The first one is a microsoft driver that is a pre req to the realtek codec.
Restart your PC after you install the Msoft one.

Also if thats not it, you probably have a rev 1 mobo. Just go to the link above and get the rev1 versions.


Feb 8, 2007
I'm just throwing this out here but is there a chance that maybe the on-board sound is disabelled in BIOS? If you go into Device Manager and don't see anything under the 'Sound, video and game controllers' category or you don't see any unknown devices (yellow question marks) then this might be the case. If it is, then enabling them in BIOS and then re-running the install executable might help.

But if the on-board sound in enabelled but you're still seeing some unknown devices in Device Manager, you can always try a manual driver install.

1) unpack the drivers to an easy to remember location, something like:


2) after you do that, go into Device Manager, right click an unknown device and select 'Update Driver...' from the menu that pops up (if there's more than one you may have to do this multiple times to figure out which one of the unknown devices is sound).

3) follow this sequence of events, selecting and clicking in the obvious places of course:

No, not this time --> Next --> Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) --> Next --> Don't search. I will choose the driver to install. --> Next --> Have Disk... --> Browse... --> (browse to the location where you unpacked the drivers; if you put them on C then you'll go to C:\HD_audio\WDM at which point the File Name field will automatically populate itself) --> Open --> OK --> Next --> (assuming that the correct Unknown Device was selected to begin with then barring any problems the drivers should begin installing at this point) --> (assuming there aren't any problems...) Finish


Mar 28, 2006
You might also look at cleaning out the old installers and old drivers.

There is a program that could help "Windows Installer Clean Up" its free from MS. I had to use it earlyer today to clean up a iTunes installer error. Worked like a treat :)

Good luck !


Aug 26, 2007
I'm having the same problem... I bought a nforce 650i ultra mother board and an intel quad core Q6600... does anyone have the solution??

reaktek driver does not install!!!!

