No start pc

Sep 8, 2018
Was having issues with my pc not staying off after shut down, regardless of how we shut it down. My pc is in our bedroom and has a ton of led fans so I said screw it and flipped the switch on the psu. Went to turn it on this morning and there was no response. Last time this happened, my gpu was busted and when I got a new one it worked fine. I tried to do the same troubleshooting as last time and nothing seems to get my pc to have power and yes I did make sure my socket worked. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
Questin. Re:

" The one helpful thing geek squad was able to tell me was that there was corrosion on some of the pins still even after I used contact cleaner so it’s probably that."

Just for the record:

What pins did you clean? Where did you spray the cleaner or otherwise apply it?

When you powered of the pc via the psu switch you may have interrupted and subsequently corrupted some update.

Computers do not do well with sudden power losses.

"Issues" are a sign of some problem and seldom resolved by simply turning off a system. Reboots may work but that is more of a controlled shutdown.

Do you hear any beeps when your try to start the PC? Any screen messages or error codes?

If not, you probably will need to do a fresh install of the OS.

There’s no flickering, no lights come on, no beeping, nothing. The psu is newer too so I don’t think it would be that
Paper clip test is very basic and simplistic.

That is why more advanced testing is recommended when dealing with possible PSU problems.

What make and model is your PSU? Wattage, age, condition?

For the most part, I would hope that some motherboard issue would provide some beep codes or display an error code.

Are you able to borrow another PSU to install and see what happens?

Not currnetly, just moved to a new city and don’t know anybody. It’s an evga 600W 80 plus and it’s about 2 months old

I tried to bridge the front power switch panel pins and got no response. Any ideas past a dead mobo on that?
Let's go back a step or so.

It could be a dead mobo - no way to know per se at this time. Especially if there are no beeps or other notable error codes via the display.

However, if the PSU is no longer providing power to the motherboard then the motherboard may be okay.

Here is a link to help understand:

Take a close look at the power cables and connectors within your computer. (Do so with power off.)

Inspect for loose connections, burned (brown or black) insulation, signs of sparks (again brown or black, could be small streaks).

The concern is that the PSU is not working and may have killed the motherboard. Installing a new motherboard (problematic on its' own merits) may be just lead to another "Zap".

Test the voltages on the existing PSU. Try another known working PSU if possible. You need some certainty about the source of the problem before risking another motherboard.


I found out that geek squad will actually diagnose it at no charge and give me a quote to fix it so I’m gonna go with that. Thanks so much for the help!

Will do. Took it into geek squad today for the free diagnosis and they were less than helpful, they didn’t even get as far in the diagnosis as I did at home aside from testing the psu which tested fine. Found a local guy who said he’d take a look at it but he’s not back till the 17th so I think I’m going to get a replacement mobo off craigslist. The one helpful thing geek squad was able to tell me was that there was corrosion on some of the pins still even after I used contact cleaner so it’s probably that. I’m working on building a pc for my girlfriend as well so I’ll probably get this new mobo and see if I’m the 17th that guy can better diagnose and fix it for our other pc were gonna have.
Questin. Re:

" The one helpful thing geek squad was able to tell me was that there was corrosion on some of the pins still even after I used contact cleaner so it’s probably that."

Just for the record:

What pins did you clean? Where did you spray the cleaner or otherwise apply it?
