No video on screen unless I restart my pc


Oct 27, 2016
Hello guys, I hope someone can help me, I recently acquired new cpu/rams/psu/gpu.
When I turn on my computer I get no video on my monitor, I proceed to restart it only one time and it works great.
Im guessing this is a voltage problem on one of the components, but its just a wild guess, my knowledge is very limited.

CPU intel core 2 quad q9650 3.0 Ghz
2x4GB ddr3
geforce gtx 750
psu thermaltake 600w t2r
w7 64bits.

Any help comes handy, thomas.
I'd physically unconnect and reseat everything first. memory; GPU, cable connections, hard drive, .....

verify your hardware is working well. memory and hard drive. crystaldisk for hard drive or any program other program. and memory diagnostics.

then make sure you have all your drivers working. goto device manager and see if they are all installed. need to go to the motherboard website and install them all. can also use intel's driver tool for intells chipset.

you are running a pretty old system though. can even consider using an older graphics driver.
I'd physically unconnect and reseat everything first. memory; GPU, cable connections, hard drive, .....

verify your hardware is working well. memory and hard drive. crystaldisk for hard drive or any program other program. and memory diagnostics.

then make sure you have all your drivers working. goto device manager and see if they are all installed. need to go to the motherboard website and install them all. can also use intel's driver tool for intells chipset.

you are running a pretty old system though. can even consider using an older graphics driver.