No video output from new gpu


Jul 24, 2017
So i recently bought a geforce 1050 and installed it, but when I turn on the tower my screen does not receive any signal. I already erased the previous card's drivers. Everything seems to be powered and yet I don't get signal
If you are still getting no output after completing those steps I suggest trying a different cable, try using a DVI cable instead. If after trying a different cable or a different port you still get this issue you should get in contact with whoever you purchased the graphics card from. Unless anyone else has different solutions, I really don't have much more knowledge in this sort of thing.

There's always a possibility that the cable might be loose in the monitor, check to see if it's all the way in and if so maybe try to change that cable into another port on the monitor.

Plug your monitor in to your motherboard, sign in and install all of the 1050 drivers (presuming they aren't installed yet), restart your PC and plug your monitor into Graphics Card again.
I already have tried removing and replacing the gpu, the circular battery on the motherboard, and I have disabled the motherboard's internal graphic card. Also it is a low profile card so it doesn't have pci-e connections

There should be no need to disable the motherboards internal graphics card. Try simple methods first instead of going straight to the advanced options. Try to follow what I said or what the other bloke said.

OK first of sorry for voting you down, I was on mobile and couldnt find how to reply, the thing is the installer wont do anything unless I have the gpu mounted.... SO i guess I should go for the disk...? Because I cant use my internal card while having the new one plugged


Ok I´ll enable it... how do I set my monitor to Hdmi mode? I used to use a Vga connection which this card doesnt have.


If you plug one monitor into the motherboard it should just run off of internal graphics. On my system I can use either or, GPU or Internal Graphics.

There should be a button on your monitor to switch between sources, just click on that and it should bring up a menu or just switch between the different ones. What port and cable have you used to plug your monitor in?

well I´ve tried that, but when I do it I get a black screen with white letters with the message that i have to reboot the pc but with the video cable plugged in the card and not in the motherboard


The monitor scans for signal on every source and still says it isnt receiving any


And what cable are you using now? HDMI, DVI? Also have you already installed the drivers for the 1050?

I am using a HDMI, and I am running the disk right now.. Why havent I done that? well... I investigated a lot before even buying it and everyone said the disk isnt worth the time


What disk are you talking about? The drivers disk?

Yeah, I initially tried using the installer you get from the nvidia website... ( update ) well I got the same installer from the disk...


Ah okay, let me know how that works.

Ok so, the disk downloaded the same installer I got from the website so that means I am in the same situation... Now.. I tried using the motherboard graphics card to install the drivers once more and this time I took a picture of the message I get: It says
attention: Unsupported video configuration detected
action is required
this computer has an add-in graphics card, but the monitor cable is plugged into the integtrated video conector
To attach the monitor cable to the add-in graphics card:
1. Shut down the computer
2. Plug the monitor cable into the add-in graphics card connector. This may require a video adapter or video cable
3. Turn on the computer
This message should no t appear after completing these steps
For more information or help, please refer to the system documentation
Please press power button to turn off system

If you are still getting no output after completing those steps I suggest trying a different cable, try using a DVI cable instead. If after trying a different cable or a different port you still get this issue you should get in contact with whoever you purchased the graphics card from. Unless anyone else has different solutions, I really don't have much more knowledge in this sort of thing.

There's always a possibility that the cable might be loose in the monitor, check to see if it's all the way in and if so maybe try to change that cable into another port on the monitor.

ok so, the cables arent loose, I already have checked and rechecked
something completely awkward just happened.... So i finally am installing the drivers while using the gpu displaying on my monitor
I dont know why or how the [watch your language] the solution for my problem would be using 2 hdmi one plugged in the new card and the other in the gpu, but it apparently is working and i cant believe it.
I am pretty grateful for your help despite everything, have a great evening, day or morning xD


Ahah thank you for picking me as the solution, it's great to hear that it's now working! It sometime is just random stuff that happens that somehow fixes the problem :lol:

Yeah that was certainly random, and you were the solution because you kept trying with me when nothing made sense xD honestly i would have thought I was a troll or something if i was in your place


Ahaha nah nah, I'll try to help anyone if I know anything that could help, been in the same position a lot of times and people on this forum always help me out so trying to do the same for others :)