No video output


Jan 11, 2014
No video output from GPU and I can't test as I have not got a spare GPU/have onboard graphics. I have tried taking my pic apart snd putting it back together and it has had no effect. I don't understand because I had it running until I turned it off and tried the next day and nothing, the only thing I had done to it is cleaning the CPU heat sink. I have ordered a cheap GPU to test with before I return my card.
Specs: fx 6300, msi 970 gaming am3+, 8gb Ddr3 ram, 2x 7200rpm 1tb hdds, amd XFX r9 280,evga supernova nex 750w bronze. I should emphasise this a bit more, The only thing I have done since it was working is taken off the cup fan and cleaned it.


Jan 11, 2014

I mean all I did was take off one of the fans and spray its with an air duster. And I can't really see any battery/jumpers on the mobo. Everything is running as it would normally but it had high fan speeds on GPU when I tried booting twice but after that it was all normal but with no video output at all, not even a flicker.


Jan 11, 2014

Everything is as it was when it was working before. Nothing has changed which confuses me.
I don't know of this is related but I started playing CSGO and my pc started to freeze/hang? And it would pause every 5seconds and it would seem like it was going to blue screen, do I imediately used task manager to close other programs and capped my fps which seems to have stopped it, could running CGO AT 300fps for 200h over 2 weeks cause GPU damage? Drawing too many frames makes my GPU create a high pitch sound/coil whine?