No video output


Jul 11, 2015
Just today I tried to boot up my PC and the display wouldn't show video. I did normal procedures like reseating the RAM and resetting cmos but nothing is working. What happens every time is the computer seems to start up normally with the fans turning on as well as leds, hard drive spinning, etc but after about 5-10 seconds the fans on the GPU stop spinning and no video ever shows up. Any suggestions?

basics then. Any speaker can be used in a pinch, I have used my stereo speakers a bits of wire. Run through the stickies for boot issues
Try these:

- Remove & reseat your GPU to include the PSU power cable(s) going to it/inspect the PCI-e slot & GPU for dust & clean as req'd
- Check all PSU cables going to your mother motherboard (24-pin) and CPU-pwr and reseat
- Check cable from GPU to monitor and reseat both ends/check for connectivity
- If these steps fail, or you've already attempted to do them try booting into SAFE MODE if you can
- If successful, delete ALL GPU drivers and reboot
- If successful download/install/run CC Cleaner to get rid of any remnant files/folders/registry files of old GPU drivers
- Reinstall most current GPU drivers; run CUSTOM INSTALL as this will only install what items you actually need & use
Ok so I tried booting with one RAM stick and it worked fine. I put the second back in, booted it up and it worked... Something tells me this didnt fix it and it will happen again at a later time.