No Wifi after power supply upgrade

Dec 14, 2018

My computer was shutting down alone while playing so I thought that the power supply was too low for my graphic card.
I bought a new one, installed it, I boot my computer and surprise, the Wi-fi and Bluetooth are not working anymore. I've the message "Could not connect to this network". I'm sure that I plugged back all wires and those are well connected.

I thought that if I put back the original power supply, the problem would disappear, but I was wrong.

For the information, the computer is a HP ENVY Phoenix 860 with an 500W power supply and I replaced it by a Thermaltake Smart RGB 700W 80 Plus. The Wi-fi is interated to the motherboard.

Have you an idea of what could have happened and how to fix the problem ?

Thanks by advance for your responses.
That's exactly my problem !! Those two wires (one for Bluetooth, the other for WLAN) were so small that I detach them without noticing !
Thanks so much for sharing this link with me.