No Windows 7 welcome screen?


Jan 23, 2012
Whenever I start my PC and boot to windows it skips the welcome screen, instead a black screen appeasers that lasts for about a second or two, afterwords it goes straight to the desktop with no problems.

Seeing that I just installed windows, could this be driver problem perhaps with the motherboard or something? :??:

Any help would be greatly appreciated


2 seconds boot up time on a SSD, that is great.
As long as you have the motherboard drivers installed, graphic driver installed, and you do see the bios screen, it all good.

Make me want to upgrade my PC with a SSD, too, but got to pay off the car first. :(
with most new mb the on-board video chipset it the main video output. if you put the video cable on the onboard port you will see the post screen. go into the bios and set the main video from ipgpu to pci and your gpu will be the first video device.


Jan 23, 2012
Odd, occasionally I'll boot to a black screen that lasts much longer (30 seconds to 1 minute), yet it still manages to reach the desktop. I just hope this problem won't persists to the point where I can't access the desktop through starting windows normally...

It being a SSD is the primary cause.

You really want the Welcome screen that bad? Create a ghost user account just for kicks and then you'll get the Welcome Screen :pt1cable: :pt1cable: :ouch: :ouch: