I've possibly got a difficult question to answer. So I have two wireless IP cameras, whose signals were degraded when I moved my computer into a spare room on the other side of my condo. Using the camera's IP Monitoring tool, I noticed the signal was cutting in and out every few seconds. It was driving me crazy.
So I went out to Best Buy and purchased a TP-Link range extender and set that up with 2.4G and 5G and everything connected to it, including the cameras.
But then all of a sudden my other wireless device signals started to degrade. For instance, I have a wireless media centre PC, an old Dell Inspiron computer that I've had for years, works just fine as a media centre PC, and I run Plex server on it so that when I'm on the road taking a break I can watch whatever is on it. Now I can't even connect to it, and other than adding the extender, nothing has changed.
I was talking to a colleage about this, and he told me that maybe I should consider setting up an older router as a wireless access point or a repeater to extend the signal range. I have one of those old Linksys WRT54G routers with 2.4G that I flashed the firmware from dd-wrt.com because it doesn't have its own built-in Repeater settings, which worked OK when I did it, and didn't care if I ruined it while upgrading the firmware.
So last night I spent a few hours setting it up, all seemed OK, the old router is connected to my main router, the IP address is in range, and I still have no signal from my media centre, and I can't get Plex on my iPhone to connect with my media centre.
I'm going to try unplugging the TP-Link extender tonight and remove the old router and see if that brings up my signal strength, but I just know that my IP camera signals will be degraded again. They're the only things that seem to be working around the house!
Anyone have any ideas?
So I went out to Best Buy and purchased a TP-Link range extender and set that up with 2.4G and 5G and everything connected to it, including the cameras.
But then all of a sudden my other wireless device signals started to degrade. For instance, I have a wireless media centre PC, an old Dell Inspiron computer that I've had for years, works just fine as a media centre PC, and I run Plex server on it so that when I'm on the road taking a break I can watch whatever is on it. Now I can't even connect to it, and other than adding the extender, nothing has changed.
I was talking to a colleage about this, and he told me that maybe I should consider setting up an older router as a wireless access point or a repeater to extend the signal range. I have one of those old Linksys WRT54G routers with 2.4G that I flashed the firmware from dd-wrt.com because it doesn't have its own built-in Repeater settings, which worked OK when I did it, and didn't care if I ruined it while upgrading the firmware.
So last night I spent a few hours setting it up, all seemed OK, the old router is connected to my main router, the IP address is in range, and I still have no signal from my media centre, and I can't get Plex on my iPhone to connect with my media centre.
I'm going to try unplugging the TP-Link extender tonight and remove the old router and see if that brings up my signal strength, but I just know that my IP camera signals will be degraded again. They're the only things that seem to be working around the house!
Anyone have any ideas?