Judas2021 Honorable Jan 28, 2014 25 0 10,530 Jan 29, 2014 #1 I noticed a lot of people don't have a WNA in their "rig" setup that they post on this forum. Do they just do a direct connection to the router or do you not need a WNA when doing DIY computer building. (I'm obviously new to this).
I noticed a lot of people don't have a WNA in their "rig" setup that they post on this forum. Do they just do a direct connection to the router or do you not need a WNA when doing DIY computer building. (I'm obviously new to this).
Solution rdc85 Jan 29, 2014 Wired connection is better than wireless one, in term of speed and latency.. forget to add, wireless also prone of interference..... especially when gaming using wi-fi connection, It can cause unneeded lag sometimes...(and ruin your game)
Wired connection is better than wireless one, in term of speed and latency.. forget to add, wireless also prone of interference..... especially when gaming using wi-fi connection, It can cause unneeded lag sometimes...(and ruin your game)
rdc85 Honorable Apr 29, 2012 2,943 0 13,460 Jan 29, 2014 Solution #2 Wired connection is better than wireless one, in term of speed and latency.. forget to add, wireless also prone of interference..... especially when gaming using wi-fi connection, It can cause unneeded lag sometimes...(and ruin your game) Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Wired connection is better than wireless one, in term of speed and latency.. forget to add, wireless also prone of interference..... especially when gaming using wi-fi connection, It can cause unneeded lag sometimes...(and ruin your game)