Question Nodejs ; Chocolatey and all the Visual Studio extensions and Python 2. Is there any backround activity coming from those programs?

Jun 12, 2019
As the title indicates, do those programs have any backround activity if not used. I noticed WMI host being used in task manager (0.1-0.5 % CPU usage). I don't know if it has anything to do with those programs.
Also, when I installed all of them, a Windows Powershell window popped up requesting stuff for the Visual Studio extensions that were installed and for Python 2.
Have those installs made any changes to my computer? I was looking for a software to edit a Discord bot (Node.js) and I got the whole Chocolatey library of programs just because it gave me the option to install them.
Any help is welcomed, thank you!
no, they should not be doing anything unless you use them.

installs always make changes to the computer. that's why i discourage the willy-nilly install of apps. you should get out of the habit of installing things you don't need.

if you are not a software developer, this isn't the place to start, plus I don't condone gaming bots of any kind.
no, they should not be doing anything unless you use them.

installs always make changes to the computer. that's why i discourage the willy-nilly install of apps. you should get out of the habit of installing things you don't need.

if you are not a software developer, this isn't the place to start, plus I don't condone gaming bots of any kind.
True. But about those apps, could they have changed anything? Can I simply uninstall them by delettimg them?
I would just leave it alone for now and not worry about it and if you want to uninstall the apps there is a way to do it through chocolatey on the commandline you have to Google it and find