Noisy laptop fan

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Nov 23, 2010
My laptop fan has started to make noise. Kind of a whir or buzz sound. First thought was to take compressed air to it from outside the shell and by taking it apart. That didn't work, so I went and bought a new fan. When I removed the old fan, I actually found where the dust was hiding, but proceeded with the replacement anyway. Now, a brand new fan is in there making the same noise as the old one. What would cause this? Thanks!
dumb question: is there more than one fan in the case? other dumb question: you installed the new fan properly and it is blowing air in the proper direction?

Most laptop fans are pretty cheap to begin with, and they get noisy with age. It doesn't usually mean they aren't cooling, it's just that the bearings are getting a little sloppy (and all that dust doesn't help).
One fan, and the new fan is the same model and installed the same way as the old one, so as far as I can tell it is blowing air in the proper direction.

To your point, both fans (new and old) do spin fine, but both make noise. Leads me to believe it's not an issue with the fan, but I have no idea what the problem could possibly be. Pressing various spots around the fan to see if something is loose yields no results.
use the old screwdriver-for-a-stethoscope trick: touch the metal end of the screwdriver to the suspected vibration center and hold the plastic end to your ear. You'd be surprised how far vibration travels. If you have an HDD (obviously an SSD is just going to sit there...) you might check that with the screwdriver. The sound of an HDD just starting to go bad can travel pretty far and make you suspect other components.

Made an attempt at the screwdriver/stethoscope idea. Checked youtube as well to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Noticed that none of my screwdrivers have the metal going the entire plastic grip. I'm not sure if that is a deciding factor in it working or not, but it did cast doubt for a first time attempter. I even tried lifting the motherboard up and holding the HDD in place to see if it was rattling in its resting position. Still nothing. I can't fasten the fan to the MB any more than I already have. Unfortunately, I don't have a spare HDD to plug in and test that. Otherwise, I'm just not sure how to figure this out.

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