milktea :
I'm not sure what purpose does this video serves other than showing that one is louder than the other. They both have bad sound, and if you crank up the volume on the Nokia device, the sound will be clipping too. Such a pointless video.
... *sigh*
I am sick, and my ears are plugged up, and even I can hear a huge difference in the *quality* of the audio.
One has a lot of echo and reflections, the other does not
One has harsh high tones, and a lower midrange and bass that falls off, while the other stays much more even (on the Sammy section you can see the tuba playing, but you only hear a little bit of echo from it, and no direct audio)
One has phasing issues, and the other does not
One has clipping audio *at the time of recording* which is a major pain to get rid of, while the other has no clipping and can be later amplified much easier without having issues
One records very directional sound, while the other records sound from a wider area
One has a lot of background noise, while the other does not (In the sammy section you can hear the room, people talking and moving around, where the nokia parts have that much more muffled)
Yes, both are phone based microphones, and you are simply not going to get a 'studio quality' sound out of either of them. But lets say that you are reccording your kids in elementary school. The 'joy' of recording any non-professional players is that there will ALWAYS be someone way off pitch. When using a normal microphone it will always make the exception stand out way more than the general band. Meaning that even though it was painful to listen to live, it will ALWAYS sound worse on the recording. With a microphone array like this where errant sounds undergo some filtering you end up with a recording that is much more true to life. It may still sound rough... but it will sound more like you remember it sounding rather than having audio that only highlights the problems.
Again, this is not going to get you the kind of audio quality you would expect from a booth, but it is a $500 phone, so nobody is asking for that. But when it comes to recording moments in your life one phone is going to sound much more similar to what you remembered, while the other will really make you think that things in the past were much worse than they really were.