I built my system about 5 years ago. It's the second system I built. It worked perfectly for 5 years. I didn't even shut it down. It stayed powered on for months at a time.
Then, a couple of months back, I decided to upgrade and overclock. So I bought a new Xeon CPU and a liquid cooling, cleaned the hardware, blew the dust, reapplied thermal paste to both the CPU and GPU, and started OCing. During the OC process, I discovered that my 1st DIMM slot is kind of faulty. I had to use extra strength to push the RAM stick inside the slot, otherwise it would not even show on the system. (Three sticks total, the one in the first slot won't show if I don't push extra hard, no matter which stick I use. Other sticks show).
I then did a fresh Windows install, system stable after testing with prime95 for over 8 hours. Then after a while... boom! BSOD! Did memtest86 for over 15 passes (over 40 hours), with no errors.
At first, the BSOD was about twice a week, now they are about once a day. How can the frequency increase without any change in hardware?
I still check regularly with memtest. No errors.
I can also confirm that my CPU temp averages 50s when under moderately heavy load.
Furthermore, I have Windows 7 installed on an SSD, and Windows 8.1 installed on another HDD. Whenever I use Windows 8, the BSOD frequency is through the roof. I get a BSOD with Windows 8 about once per hour, and that is without having any drivers installed. And the reason is, whenever I try to install drivers via Windows Update, I get a BSOD (the DVD drivers not compatible with Windows 8).
My PC is overclocked, but I returned settings to normal clock for a while, and I still get BSODs.
Before all this, I also had both Windows 7 & 8 installed and both operating systems worked fine.
I can handle the once-a-day BSOD, but why is Windows 8 getting all these once-an-hour BSODs?
I reinstalled both Windows at least 3 times each... same result.
The errors vary. I get BSOD codes 7f, 124, and a few more that I can't remember.
With Windows 8 I get the errors that say something like (Kernel trap mode) and (irq not equal or less)
Is there any guru here that can help please?
Then, a couple of months back, I decided to upgrade and overclock. So I bought a new Xeon CPU and a liquid cooling, cleaned the hardware, blew the dust, reapplied thermal paste to both the CPU and GPU, and started OCing. During the OC process, I discovered that my 1st DIMM slot is kind of faulty. I had to use extra strength to push the RAM stick inside the slot, otherwise it would not even show on the system. (Three sticks total, the one in the first slot won't show if I don't push extra hard, no matter which stick I use. Other sticks show).
I then did a fresh Windows install, system stable after testing with prime95 for over 8 hours. Then after a while... boom! BSOD! Did memtest86 for over 15 passes (over 40 hours), with no errors.
At first, the BSOD was about twice a week, now they are about once a day. How can the frequency increase without any change in hardware?
I still check regularly with memtest. No errors.
I can also confirm that my CPU temp averages 50s when under moderately heavy load.
Furthermore, I have Windows 7 installed on an SSD, and Windows 8.1 installed on another HDD. Whenever I use Windows 8, the BSOD frequency is through the roof. I get a BSOD with Windows 8 about once per hour, and that is without having any drivers installed. And the reason is, whenever I try to install drivers via Windows Update, I get a BSOD (the DVD drivers not compatible with Windows 8).
My PC is overclocked, but I returned settings to normal clock for a while, and I still get BSODs.
Before all this, I also had both Windows 7 & 8 installed and both operating systems worked fine.
I can handle the once-a-day BSOD, but why is Windows 8 getting all these once-an-hour BSODs?
I reinstalled both Windows at least 3 times each... same result.
The errors vary. I get BSOD codes 7f, 124, and a few more that I can't remember.
With Windows 8 I get the errors that say something like (Kernel trap mode) and (irq not equal or less)
Is there any guru here that can help please?