So, when I was researching parts for my first build, I made a terribly stupid mistake of not searching up specific chipsets and had thought that any supporting mobo would be able to overclock. (Noob mistake) Got the Asus B150 chipset board and found out a day after that I couldn't overclock my 6600k. Is there a way of making firmware or hardware mods in order to allow overclocking without replacing the mobo all-together? I feel that without an overclock, I would have wasted my money getting an unlocked CPU. Thanks in advance!
Important Parts:
ASUS B150-Plus
Core i5-6600k
EVGA Gtx 960 SSC
8GB HyperX @ 2133MHz
Important Parts:
ASUS B150-Plus
Core i5-6600k
EVGA Gtx 960 SSC
8GB HyperX @ 2133MHz