(Noob) Core2 Duo 1.8GHz to Core2 Duo 2.9 GHz


Jul 12, 2013
I was wondering if it would be worth it to upgrade the processor in this which is a Core2 Duo 1.8 GHz to this processor. Would kind of notable difference would this supply? Do you think it would be worth the $75?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
OK it seems that one will only support up to the E6xxx dual cores. The quad will not work.
Try and find this : http://ark.intel.com/products/42805

Although keep in mind there is NO guarantee it will work. But I am willing to bet it will.

As for quad VS dual, games like fast clocked dual cores more than quads because they are not always capable of running on more than 2 cores. This is changing slowly but right now it still does not make sense to go for a quad in an extreme low cost PC. Unless ofcourse you play certain well multithreaded games.

Oh god that processor is terribly overpriced after a look on eBay. What about the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600? That would have to be a much more substantial difference. This is much cheaper and better.

I'm obviously a noob so I have no idea what the motherboard is... Is it this? "Intel® Q965 (ICH8) Express Chipset"
Keep in mind, eBay CPUs are used and sometimes have been abused too. But then again, some have never been overclocked.

I would say a dual core at 2.9GHz is better for most people than a quad at 2.4GHz, UNLESS you are willing to OC. Open your computer and try and give as much information you can about it. If its an HP or Acer or something like that, post the model number.

I'm not willing to overclock because I have no idea how. So the cheaper dual core is actually better than the quad..?
I haven't bought the computer yet, but this is the desktop and these are the entire specs. (It's the 'Desktop' version) If you're wondering why I'm buying a horribly outdated computer it's because I'm a broke, jobless 17 year old that has a tight budget for a new desktop haha.

I found a Core2 Duo 3.3GHz: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intel-Core-2-Duo-E8600-3-33GHZ-6MB-1333-SLB9L-LGA775-Tested-Priority-Mail-/190869131924?pt=CPUs&hash=item2c70afd294
Hopefully that is compatible with my motherboard.
OK it seems that one will only support up to the E6xxx dual cores. The quad will not work.
Try and find this : http://ark.intel.com/products/42805

Although keep in mind there is NO guarantee it will work. But I am willing to bet it will.

As for quad VS dual, games like fast clocked dual cores more than quads because they are not always capable of running on more than 2 cores. This is changing slowly but right now it still does not make sense to go for a quad in an extreme low cost PC. Unless ofcourse you play certain well multithreaded games.

Does Minecraft count as a well multithreaded game? Will this processor work with the desktop or will the one you suggested work better? It's clocked faster so would it be preferable?

Sorry I obviously wasn't paying attention to the series. Alright I guess I'm going with this then!
Thank you so much!

I'll keep that in mind. It also has a 14 days money back so if it doesn't work I can return it.
Thanks again! Your a life saver.

You're. 😛
It's a pleasure. Enjoy! Let us know what kind of improvement you see.

I put the cpu in and it didn't work. :L Is it possible that the processor is defective and not just incompatible with my desktop? What's the best processor I can install other than that one?