Noobie here! Been lurking for a while decided to create an account. BTW can anyone answer this question?


Sep 16, 2014
Hello! I am wondering which would be better for my upcoming build. I currently have 1 GTX 760 and was wondering if I should ditch the 760 and get a 780 or buy another 760 and have those in SLI?

p.s is my FX 6300 bottlenecking my 760? seeing weird FPS on games where my old setup would run fine. (old setup) AMD phenom ii 840 w/ HIS Radeon HD 6870

thank you all for your help and happy to be a part of the community!!


Legenda in Aeternum
a 6300 shouldn't bottleneck a 760, or a 770 or a 780....I'd go with a 780 rather than another 760 and SLI, prices are already coming down in anticipation, the Asus 780 CU is about a $100 less than mine were just a few months back


Sep 16, 2014
Ok thanks very much for the comment! I'll have to check out those asus 780s I know they were a lot cheaper than a couple months ago but I'm very impatient and looking at the old setup you could see I needed to upgrade badly. I bought the 760 bc It was cheap and I really wanted a nvidia card but I should have waited to get the 780.. I'll see if I can find my receipt and take it back and wait out for the 780s prices to drop even more when the new series releases.