Normal Shipping Packaging Practice From Online Retailers


Dec 23, 2010
I ordered a laptop from Micro Center online store and when it arrived I was surprised. They shipped the laptop in it's original packing, not protected within a larger shipping box with popcorn or whatever shock absolving materials.

In your experience with online retailers with laptop purchases is this normal shipping practice? Even when I buy a modem or other electronic equipment it's never just been shipped on it's original packaging and not be secured within an external shipping box.


This was how it got shipped.


The cardboard spacer was the only protection it had.

The computer works fine but my concern is the possible longevity of this unit for whatever hell it would have gone through from FedEx.
i have not purchased a laptop online but i can say that the 5 pc's worth of components i've ordered from amazon and (mostly) newegg i've never had anything come shipped in its original package. some items may not have been bubble wrapped individually (normally just packed box to box with only the void areas with paper stuffing) but never in the orignal box on the outside.

just my experiences at least. perhaps with laptops they do something differently... couldnt say.
I mean even comcast ships their used cable box in a shipping box filled with foam or peanuts. I just feel like this is just weird that it's shipped this way, especially a laptop. And like you said other components that I've purchased from amazon like a $70 HDD gets wrapped in more security than this. I don't know how this is normal.
well, to be fair... if you've ever seen how truck shipments come in from the factory ... they often are boxes stacked on boxes without any extraneous packing. but truck shipment vs ups monkeys are also two different animals.
Yeah, I agree. I think those truck shipments come in through a professional shipment vendor vs UPS throwing their packages all over their truck. THAT is what I'm afraid of the most.