Norton Cuts Antivirus Product Line from Nine to One

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This makes sense; instead of a dizzying array of offerings you get one product that covers everything. Too bad the $80 price is a bit steep.
Still won't use it. Never detects anything on the computer of people that I know that have Norton. There are far better antiviruses out there.
I couldn't imagine paying any money for an antivirus let alone $80. Avast and AVG are just as good if not better and are free. All the other internet security garbage is just bloat and usually causes more problems than it solves. Even on an Avast install I uncheck all the extra components.

Also odds are your ISP already offers a free copy of Norton or McAfee. If you want a big name brand.
here is a product that works very, very well and it's free...did i mention that it also uses signatures from bitdefender and avira?'s called 360 Total Security....can be downloaded for free from
What we realized was we actually ended up confusing a lot of customers

What, by letting customers think they're install virus protection when in fact your product is actually a virus itself?

Reducing the product line down to a single product is a good idea to assist the lay person, but I still think a single product is 1 too many from Norton.
I've always liked Norton and had planned to continue with it. However, by discontinuing the lower tier products (the ones I used because I didn't need a product for five computers or smartphones, etc.) and offering one product which is much higher priced than I'd been paying, this will be the point that I finally bail and check out other well-reviewed products that DO offer different price points that meet different users' needs. As far as I'm concerned, this was simply a way that Symantec THOUGHT they would hold people over a barrel while they shook extra money out of their pockets. Greedy bastards.
Sorry damage was done few years ago when Norton package was using way too many resources than it should have. I went somewhere else and I'm quite happy.

As for the free AVs... There is no free lunch. You get what you pay for.
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