Norton Ghost 14

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Apr 5, 2009
I got Ghost 14, and it is backing up my C drive under windows mode!?!?

When I used Ghost 8.3, I must go to DOS to backup, because you can access all the files then. But how can Ghost 14 just back my drive up when I'm using Windows???

If I back this up, and restore it later, it is like installing Vista, up to the state where I backed up like in Ghost <8.3 versions? And it is restoring it under Windows mode? How can you do that?

Can I run it in DOS. Say when my computer won't boot, can I go to DOS and run the restore like in Ghost 8.3?

BTW, does anyone know if compression is improved compared to Ghost 8.3? In Ghost 14, when I select high for compression, is there some more advanced option to increase compression even more? I like compression, I don't mind time. I got a Q6600.
about the restor
yes, norton ghost 14 can resto recovery point under dos but i don't know about backup partion under dos
It comes with a boot disk that you use to replace the image.
All of your backups are done inside windows now and it works fine.
Then if you need to reset your system you put the boot disk in and tell it where your backup image is and it will do the rest.

Page 28 of the PDF file "User guide" can explain about the system recovery disk.
It is in the start menu by where you turn Ghost on from
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