Math Geek :
that is the insider win 10 key but not even close to my new one.
i'm not going to argue with you but you're way off here. MS released the iso file today as well (hence the point of this article) specifically so people could do fresh installs. they have also said this would be possible once you had upgraded and not before, meaning you got your key then and could use it to do a fresh install after you have it.
i am in the middle of the clean install now on my netbook and it indeed asked me for a key and took the one the keyfinder showed me. not my win 7 key which i tried first to see what would happen.
your confused between the insider build and the retail free upgrade for win7/8 users. they do get a new key and can use it for a fresh install like i and many others have already done today.
Hmm, yeah I'm confused as hell now.
I've got 3 computers with windows 10.
One of them, is was my insider build, it obviously has the insider key. Done through Windows update.
The second is my main computer, it has the insider key. Done with an ISO I created on this PC for Windows 10 Pro 64bit burned to a DVD.
The third is my backup computer, it has a different key. Same DVD as previous computer.
The third computer's key won't work on the other two.
My windows 8 key won't work on any of them.
I wonder what will happen when I build my new computer on Friday and try to do a Windows 8 install followed by an upgrade to 10.