I recently replaced the motherboard of my PC. The new board is a ATX Motherboard SATA III 3.0 USB3.0 Ports LGA2011/ I7 DIMM DDR3 128G Memory X6Q3 (https://www.ebay.ca/itm/ATX-Motherboard-SATA-III-3-0-USB3-0-Ports-LGA2011-I7-DIMM-DDR3-128G-Memory-X6Q3/382470283558?hash=item590d016126:g:a20AAOSwkcFbBWEM). I have 32GB of memory, an i7 2011 intel processor, a 2 TB HD, a GeForce 960, an optical mouse and keyboard (USB). All of the components correctly recognized in the BIOS.
I am trying to install Windows 7 from cd without success. I am wondering if someone might have some suggestions. I have a formatted HD and a blue ray cd unit connected. In the Asmedia SATA controller window (before BIOS) says:
SATA PM 0 Port 0 ST2000DM001-1CH63 SATA 3
SATA PM 0 Port 0 ASUS BC-12B1ST a SATA 1
In the BIOS, I have selected IDE mode for the SATA ports (HD and CD, which are connected to black, not gray connectors).
The BIOS the motherboard comes with is American Megatrends Version 2.17.1246
BIOS date: 06/28/2017 14:19:20 Ver:X79
In the BIOS, I selected the boot order as CD first, then HD. I can see that the CD (OEM Win 7) gets read (it is spinning and the read LED comes on), however, nothing happens. Then tries to boot from the formatted HD and I get:
BOOTMGR is missing
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart
Any ideas why I am not able to boot from the Win CD to start the installation? Any suggestions is more than welcome.
Many many thanks in advance!
I recently replaced the motherboard of my PC. The new board is a ATX Motherboard SATA III 3.0 USB3.0 Ports LGA2011/ I7 DIMM DDR3 128G Memory X6Q3 (https://www.ebay.ca/itm/ATX-Motherboard-SATA-III-3-0-USB3-0-Ports-LGA2011-I7-DIMM-DDR3-128G-Memory-X6Q3/382470283558?hash=item590d016126:g:a20AAOSwkcFbBWEM). I have 32GB of memory, an i7 2011 intel processor, a 2 TB HD, a GeForce 960, an optical mouse and keyboard (USB). All of the components correctly recognized in the BIOS.
I am trying to install Windows 7 from cd without success. I am wondering if someone might have some suggestions. I have a formatted HD and a blue ray cd unit connected. In the Asmedia SATA controller window (before BIOS) says:
SATA PM 0 Port 0 ST2000DM001-1CH63 SATA 3
SATA PM 0 Port 0 ASUS BC-12B1ST a SATA 1
In the BIOS, I have selected IDE mode for the SATA ports (HD and CD, which are connected to black, not gray connectors).
The BIOS the motherboard comes with is American Megatrends Version 2.17.1246
BIOS date: 06/28/2017 14:19:20 Ver:X79
In the BIOS, I selected the boot order as CD first, then HD. I can see that the CD (OEM Win 7) gets read (it is spinning and the read LED comes on), however, nothing happens. Then tries to boot from the formatted HD and I get:
BOOTMGR is missing
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart
Any ideas why I am not able to boot from the Win CD to start the installation? Any suggestions is more than welcome.
Many many thanks in advance!