Not booting?


Dec 10, 2006
I just got all of my parts together and powered up. Everything was looking good booting xp, about half way though the boot of xp the blue screen of death flashed, probably half a second not enough to read, and then it started from the start up of my 680i. I was dual booting xp and vista, so i try vista. Same effect. Im really not sure where the problem might be, help?

( The Vista HDD has the prongs ripped out of it where the SATA cable goes in, but I got those back, if this was the problem I shouldn't have the same problem with XP thats on a different HDD )

help :x
If I said to you, "My car won't start", would you be able to tell me what was reason :?: PLEASE give full spec, including PSU, make/model.
