Not booting


Jul 30, 2012
Just built my first computer
specs are
Motherboard Intel DH67DG
Processor Intel i3 2100 LGA1155
750w power supply winpower plus
Corsair XMS3 DDR3 4GB Ram

Put everything together, all connections are connected to the motherboard, only a light on the motherboard comes on but when I press the power button nothing actually happens.

Any help would be appreciated

did you get the power button wire plugged in properly? its pretty easy to mistake it for the other connectors

i have yet to hear about that psu company. i would have stuck with seasonic, corsair, xfx, and pc and power cooling

Thanks, I thought it may be a dead Board, could it be because I tried to turn it on when I had a 300w Power supply?
did your mobo come with a quickstart sheet/book? that or check the manual, it'll have a guide for what needs to be connected where as well as a troubleshooting section.

Done everything in the manual that I got with it, still didn't work, tried taking everything apart and reconnecting it a few times also and the same thing.
Take your Motherboard out of the Case and try connecting everything there

If you did the Power Supply test, did you add any components to it? like a hard drive, ODD, or a fan
ever since i failed on this one (took about 2 hrs to sus out), i ask everyone with a boot problem to check this - is the CMOS jumper present? rig wont boot without it

First thing I did was go through this check-list and still nothing