[SOLVED] Not getting the full loading speed of a Samsung T5 SSD


Apr 11, 2019
so I own a small samsung t5 external SSD for games loading, plugged into a blue USB 3.0 port back of the computer case because I did read back have the most power draw compared to front usb ports. However I noticed (or seems like at least) my ssd not having the max output of the loading speed, in this case its the read speed yes? I have already enabled the "better performance" policy at device manager>storage>properties>policies. or perhaps I'm missing something here? like any other setting or option on Windows 10 that ı need to enable to get higher speeds? There is plenty empty space on the SSD too, its just one game I'm having trouble with, its the only game on the ssd at the moment. MMO named "New World" from Amazon, the game slighly loads slow, at startup and when in game loading screens as well.

Any tips and tricks you can give me about this? I also like to know that ssd software from samsung updates the ssd itself firmware from time to time, that can affect to the speed? Should I always keep the ssd up to date? Experienced LOTS of issues with Win10 updates for months recently and I do not want to do same mistake twice with my disk,

Thanks and great day to you
I assume you have benchmark of the device, what results do you get, and what method (name of software, settings, screen copies, etc. . .) to get it? What results do you expect from that device and how does it compares?

I did move the content from HDD to my ssd via Steam move feature, it was on my hard disk! It seems Steam did not asked me to select setup location or perhaps it did but I did quick double click so wasn't able to see the actual window, either way its fixed now, startup a bit faster now

Thank you
I assume you have benchmark of the device, what results do you get, and what method (name of software, settings, screen copies, etc. . .) to get it? What results do you expect from that device and how does it compares?

I did move the content from HDD to my ssd via Steam move feature, it was on my hard disk! It seems Steam did not asked me to select setup location or perhaps it did but I did quick double click so wasn't able to see the actual window, either way its fixed now, startup a bit faster now

Thank you