Not quite sure what monitor to get, need advice!


Jul 25, 2016

I currently use a 1080p 60Hz monitor (Samsung S24D300) and decided it's time to get a better one. First I just wanted to go for a 1080p 144Hz, but since my budget (550€) allows for it, I am now looking for 1440p 144Hz.

My graphics card is a MSI R9 390, with which I am stuck for now until early 2017. I mostly play Overwatch and CS:GO, but I would also like to be able to run Fallout4/Witcher3 on med/high settings at 1440p at a decent enough framerate.

I informed myself and read a lot over the past few days and found 2 monitors I am interested in;
(I am from Austria, so deals are limited, but those are the best I could find)

ASUS MG278Q (450€, including a copy of DOOM)
BenQ XL2730Z (499€)

From what I read, it seems that both monitors have pretty much the same image quality, except that the BenQ has more features, like motion blur reduction and also the better design (in my opinion). I also read about quite a few problems about quality from ASUS monitors. Personally I prefer the BenQ, but the ASUS deal is very appealing, if they are indeed more or less the same quality.

So basically: Is the difference small enough to take the better deal or go with the arguably better product at a higher price?

PS: I decided to go with a TN panel monitor, because of the games I play and the budget I have. But if there's a good IPS monitor, around my budget I overlooked, please let me know!

I am new to PC (gaming) and know even less about displays.


Get the BenQ, thing looks very legit and doesn't have anything gimmicky to it, like a USB hub... I personally dislike things like that.

Either way though you're going to love it, those are really nice monitors man.

My idea was to have the higher refresh rate for FPS games, and the higher resolution for Fallout and such.
What monitor would you pick out of those 2?

I think that sounds like a fantastic plan, you know exactly what you're getting into then.

Out of those two, i would probably pick the BenQ, the free game in this case doesn't add any value to me.
But damn of those free games don't sway purchases, i swear i've been eyeing up a second r9 390 only because it comes with warhammer, which to me is a straight up $60 value. But doom is already on super sale so it doesn't add any value imo, but would look sick as hell on your brand new monitor in 1440p! So if you want the game totally go for the better deal.

Thanks for taking the time to give your opinion. Unfortunately I'm still not sure what monitor I should pick.