[SOLVED] Not reaching 60 FPS in any game, even though no part of my PC is maxed out ?

Apr 25, 2021
I feel like I have a fairly high end PC, but I simply can't get to 60 FPS in any game. I first suspected my GPU, but after looking at the performance of each part in my PC, I simply can't find any reason why it wouldn't get to 60 FPS.

Here are my specs:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core
GPU: RTX 2070
Mainboard: MSI B450 Gaming Pro
Samsung SSD
Windows 10

I hooked up 2 4K monitors and and 1 1080p monitor to my GPU.

Here's a picture of my PC's stats while I was playing Nier Replicant Imgur. I get around 40 - 45 FPS in that game. Other games like Rainbow Six Siege run at around 50 FPS, but produce frame drops from time to time. Valheim really struggles around 30 FPS and I can only really play it properly when using a 2K resolution. Even then it sits around 40 FPS.

If anyone has any idea why I don't get the performance I'm expecting, I'd be glad to hear it. Does a 4K monitor really have such a big impact on the games I play?
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Games will be limited by either the cpu or the gpu.
Mostly,it is the gpu, particularly at 4k.
If you reduce the resolution or settings does your FPS improve?
Likely, it will take a 3080 to run fast action games at 4k resolution.

If you reduce settings and your frame rate does not improve, then you are likely cpu limited.
In particular, the single thread performance.
Windows will spread the activity of a single thread over all available threads.
So, if you had a game that was single threaded and cpu bound, it would show up on a quad core processor as 25%
utilization across all 4 threads.
leading you to think your bottleneck was elsewhere.

Ryzen performance is tightly tied to ram speed.
going to 3600 speed would likely help some.
Apr 25, 2021
what the speed of the ram? 1 stick or 2?
brand and model of the psu?
upgrade or new?

Thanks for the reply!

RAM Speed is 2133 MHz, with two sticks each 8 GB

Been continuously upgrading over the years. No part should be older than a year though. PSU is almost brand new (be quiet! STRAIGHT POWER 11 PC Power Supply 750 W)
Also got the Mainboard wrong in my initial post. Got a
MSI B450 Gaming Pro
Games will be limited by either the cpu or the gpu.
Mostly,it is the gpu, particularly at 4k.
If you reduce the resolution or settings does your FPS improve?
Likely, it will take a 3080 to run fast action games at 4k resolution.

If you reduce settings and your frame rate does not improve, then you are likely cpu limited.
In particular, the single thread performance.
Windows will spread the activity of a single thread over all available threads.
So, if you had a game that was single threaded and cpu bound, it would show up on a quad core processor as 25%
utilization across all 4 threads.
leading you to think your bottleneck was elsewhere.

Ryzen performance is tightly tied to ram speed.
going to 3600 speed would likely help some.
Apr 25, 2021
Thanks for the info!

I'll try to reduce some settings and/or the resolution and see if that helps. It's most likely gonna be that though. Like I wrote earlier, Valheim works ok when I set the game to 2k. Would have guessed a 2070 is enough to run 4k, but apparently not.

Any way to confirm that it's not the RAM that's causing a bottleneck? I wouldn't mind upgrading my RAM. Getting a new GPU is gonna be a problem though, since the 30s are sold out everywhere.

And to answer the question:
did you do fresh os install after upgrading?

I installed Windows fresh when I upgraded to SSDs about a year ago
Apr 25, 2021
Alright, wanted to upgrade my RAM sooner or later anyways, so I got my self some 3466 MHz Sticks. I'll post again if that changes anything. If not, it's very likely the GPU. Either way I'll close the thread then, since it's pretty clear to me what causes those issues.

You don't think the CPU is problem at all right?
Apr 25, 2021
Alright, so I installed 2 16 GB sticks at 3466 MHz. That didn't solve my issue, but now my PC has become unstable.

I got a irql_not_less_or_equal BSOD once randomly. World of Warships crashed a few times without helpful logs. I tried to run the Windows RAM diagnostics, but couldn't find anything.

Is there something I'm missing? Do I need to change some settings of my CPU or anything? I should mention that I had to manually set my RAM to 3644MHz in the BIOS, since it didn't do that by itself.
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Apr 25, 2021
did you make other hardware change after that?

None, other than installing a new water cooling system.

Maybe I should clarify again: My system doesn't run bad. It just can't run some games at 60 FPS, which I now know is due to the GPU not being able to keep up with a 4K monitor.

The issues I'm having right now (BSOD und game crashes) are definitely connected to the new RAM I installed yesterday, since this is the only thing that changed.
Apr 25, 2021
when you said "manually set my RAM to 3644MHz" do you mean turn on xmp profile?

I don't think it's called xmp in my BIOS, but that's probably it. At least that's what came up when I googled for how to increase my RAM speed. Would have to look into it to tell you exactly what it's called
Apr 25, 2021
and what the bios version?

Alright so, A-XMP was off and I enabled it now. What I did before was setting my DRAM manually to 3466MHz. Now interestingly, setting XMP to enabled still only gives me 2133 MHz, so I had to set DRAM to 3466 manually again.

I'll let it run for a few hours with those settings and see what happens. Here is my BIOS Version Link and Settings Link