Not sure how to do this


Oct 27, 2017
I have an old 1 TB HDD with 250gb on it, and new 850EVO 500gb SSD. I know what you are thinking- been asked and answered 1000 times. But all of the answers I've read say to use a usb3 to sata adapter on the SSD to clone a big HDD over to a smaller SSD. Why can't you just hook up the old HDD with a sata cable and the new SSD with a second sata cable? Do you have to use a usb cable with the SSD in order to clone??
Yes, just use a sata interface for each. There's no reason to go thru the USB interface.
When you've finished, check the sector offset/alignment. It may not be optimal unless the cloning pgm adjusts for that. If it isn't optimal, you can use something like mini partition tool to re-align the sector offsets.