not sure if my gpu is working


Dec 20, 2013
i have completed my new computer build and set everything up but when i go to boot it the case lights up and the fans spin but my monitor isn't reading the computer at all. i tried with an hdmi cable to use my tv to check if it was just the monitor but my tv doesn't pick up the computer either. at first i thought it was my mother board but i went over one of the tutorials here and with that it appears that all my cases wires work now as well with my led light coming on and the cases fan spinning so im not sure if the gpu is the problem or something else.
check with the power on that the motherboard not booting from the onboard video port. also check on the motherboard edge most have an eight or four pin power plug that needs to be plugged in with the right power supply power plugs. the six plus two are for the gpu. on the gpu make sure both power ports are plugged in.
After making sure no parts are dead and all cables are placed in the correct sockets and everything is running, try to remove your RAM sticks from your current slots and place them on the two different slots ( assuming you have dual sticks )
alright so i moved my ram one slot over i am running dual sticks so i took advice from another tutorial that said remove one and try single boot and after moving my ram one slot over it came on

😛 I had the same issue when I first built my PC. Just moved over the two sticks to the different slots. Then BAM 😀
Glad it helped.

i don't have 4 slots however do i need to leave my second one out or can i put it the slot i moved the first one out of? i read somewhere if this happens i need to manually change the ram settings or something like that would you happen to know how to do that?

How many slots do you have? :O
Also, I need more details on your RAM model and spec and your motherboard.

i have 2 slots on my motherboard which is a ASRock 960GM/U3S3 FX
and i have 2 G.Skill F3-1600C9D-8GAO from the ares series
You will just need to manually set your timings. But first while you are in the BIOS with only one stick, set the primary graphics adapter to PCIe slot instead of default On-Board and your troubles could very well be over. Sometimes these budget motherboards can be very finicky and particular.