Not sure if the mobo died or the power supply?


Mar 16, 2014
Hi, I have a computer that is over 7 years old and I am not familiar with my computer stuff... but when I opened the case I see the mobo have a green light on at the left bottom. The computer itself doesn't turn on at all... the psu fan spun like once and it never did again.. also the cpu fan also spun everytime i try to boot the comp up. any ideas? i don't want to buy a psu to know my whole computer is actually dead. thanks

PSU: Cooler Master Elite Power - 460W

im not sure about the ram or anything else
Indeed it could well be the power supply. You won't know about the rest of the system until you get new power.
That PSU is lucky to put out 400 watts, very poor quality. Read this review:
The mother board is one tough S.O.B. I had an M2N32 SLI Deluxe 590 board for a long time and it survived a couple PSU failures; it is still running in my grandson's PC! So my bet is that the mobo will be o.k.
Corsair's web site has a video on how to test your power supply to see if it is indeed producing power.
There are also lots of videos out there that can be found with a Google search.
Watch one and check the PSU that way. BUT keep in...
Indeed it could well be the power supply. You won't know about the rest of the system until you get new power.
That PSU is lucky to put out 400 watts, very poor quality. Read this review:
The mother board is one tough S.O.B. I had an M2N32 SLI Deluxe 590 board for a long time and it survived a couple PSU failures; it is still running in my grandson's PC! So my bet is that the mobo will be o.k.
Corsair's web site has a video on how to test your power supply to see if it is indeed producing power.
There are also lots of videos out there that can be found with a Google search.
Watch one and check the PSU that way. BUT keep in mind: That only tells you that it can produce some power, not how much nor how it will do under load.
Best test for PSU: Borrow someones Known, Good, Working psu and install it into your build and see if your PC fires up.
Good brands/manufactures for quality PSU's are: Corsair (TX, HX, AX series), Seasonic, XFX, Antec, Rosewill CAPSTONE and TACHYON (made by Super Flower).
Reply if you are going to buy a new psu (cause you can't find one to borrow) and include a price range and country where you live and myself or someone will be happy to link you to some good ones.