Not sure what to do


Dec 1, 2014
I have the a10 6800k with the r9 270x and when I play battlefield 4 My average fps is 40 on ultra, high, medium and Low settings. I will also receive many stutters and I'll drop below 30 fps often. Adding all this up it's leading me to believe my cpu is bottleneck isn't my gpu but every where I look people say it shouldn't bottleneck the r9 270x. I'm now faces with the decision of assuming that it is bottle necking so I will go out and buy a i5 3570k are I go with that the low fps is driver falter issues and I should just wait for a fix. What do you guys think I should do.

I'm tempted to buy the i5 because I can get that and the asrock z77 extreme 4 mobo for a good price.
The people were correct. A 6800K isn't really a bottleneck to the R9 270X. It is a weak processor though, just not weak enough to bottleneck the 270X. The problem is that the 270X is not a High-End card. It will score low FPS on High Resolutions with High/Ultra settings. For example getting an i5 3570K and running Battlefield with your current 270X on Ultra will get you an average of 40FPS or less just like your 6800K. But because the i5 3570K is a strong processor they scale much better than AMD. Due to being a good processor it will actually perform much better if you drop the quality of the graphics. So an A10 6800K will keep your FPS low even when you drop your settings but with a i5 3570K you may get 40FPS average on Ultra but dropping to High settings you will get ~60FPS. Buying an i5 3570K is a smart choice because sooner or later you will need a stronger video card to play Battlefield 4 and other new games on ultra settings. If you were to upgrade the GPU now with the 6800K your CPU would bottleneck the 'new' GPU.
even with battlefield 4 on low settings and at 720p I'm still averaging out around 40 to 30 fps with max being 75 and min being 13. If I upgrade to the i5 3570k could I run an average of 60fps on medium without having any stutters like I do now?

In a one are two years I would like to upgrade to a r9 290, would a i5 3570k bottleneck the r9 290?

Yeah like I said an dropping just from ultra to high should give you approximately 60FPS average (this is with an i7). So dropping to medium should provide another good boost giving you much higher average FPS than 60.

And no an i5-3570K will not bottleneck a R9 290. I honestly think that a bottleneck will only appear for multiple GPUs on an i5/i7 unless it's a very slow 2.XGHz i5.