Not sure what to spend Tax return on (GPU purchasing time)


Jan 9, 2012
Getting back a little over 400 bucks this year, which is big for me and I am not sure what to spend it on. I am leaning on a GPU upgrade but am unsure what to get. I currently have an R9 380/R9 285 Xfire configuration and the 2GB of VRAM on them is starting to become a limitation,I feel and as I was forced into buying a new MOBO/CPU and RAM combo, due to an H80i simply falling apart and leaking all over the old board and CPU socket (kept cool by an NH D-15 now, no more liquids for me), I thought it may be time to finish the upgrade and beef up my graphics array.First of all, I do 1080p 60Hz gaming, usually without VSNYC, but I do like to use things like AMD's VSR to render at higher res and downscale, for better quality/performance compared to using filters. I, however want to have highest settings and smoothest FPS and frame pacing I can get. I am torn between 3 different choices:

This GTX 1070:

Two of these RX 480 in xfire:

Or a single R9 Fury:

I know the Fury will do better than a single 480 and they have really come down in price but two 480's perform as well as a GTX 1080, but a single GTX 1070 will probably do quite nicely and be much more power efficient and doesn't come with the hassles of multi-GPUs. I would go for dual Fury's but I don't know if my PSU can support two of those beasts. Which does anyone think is the best performance overall at ultra settings, of these three options, based on 1080p-1440p 60Hz gaming?

For reference, the rest of my rig is as follows:
Intel i5 6600K @ 4.6 GHz
Asrock Z170 Gaming K4
16GB PC2133 DDR4
2X WD Caviar Blue 1TB
Plextor 512GB SSD
EVGA 750W 80+ Bronze

Most common games played:
Anything with the name "Souls" in it (Dark Souls 1,2 and 3)
Doom (2016)
DBXV 1 and 2
Multiple MMOs
FC3 Blood Dragon
Dragon Age Inquisition

Most of these already run okay, though some have to have xfire forced and that causes some crazy glitches/crashes

And I am interested in and want to be able to run well:
Mass Effect Andromeda
Titanfall 2
For Honor
SW Battlefront
Watchdogs 2

Personally, I would prefer to stay on team red but if the benefits are greater in team green, I may go there instead.
A single RX 480 can handle those (can't say about ME: A though) completely fine at 1080P60.

Crossfire RX 480's will just cause headaches and microstuttering. Not with the effort for 1080P60.

An R9 Fury actually loses to the RX 480 in some newer games, with less VRAM and being significantly less power efficient, I would avoid it.

The GTX 1070 will be able to play anything at 1080P60, and provides enough extra horsepower to play games in the near future at max.

So your choice is between the RX 480 or the 1070. If you are wanting to use VSR I would go with the 1070.
How well does the 1070 handle in Doom with Open GL? I honestly have not even run it with what I have without using Vulkan. I have also read in, many articles that the 4GB 480 and the 8GB version are nearly identical in performance and very little used more than 4GB, although those articles may be out of date by now, so I don't know about that, as of right now and when it comes to the choice of a single 480 and a 1070, even with my preference with team red, I would obviously lean on the 1070 as that is the same logic I used when having to choose a new CPU. It just isn't there for AMD right now, though I hope that changes in the future. I guess its clear cut,to get a 1070. On a side note,there is a voice in me saying get a PS4 too but the PS4 Pro would use up all the money and have no games,not that I have a 4K TV anyway and there just aren't that many PS4 games that are interesting to me,outside of a few like Bloodborne,Nioh,The Last Guardian and Horizon Zero Dawn. But,as I am sure I will get much more life out of an GPU upgrade,thats probably where I will go.

BTW,whats the difference in all those GTX 1070 versions? Superclocked and FTW versions and Black Edition? Which is the best to get out of all of them,or does it really matter?
Have not done anything yet,still waiting on the stupid Alabama tax return to come in. Seeing as this state is broke as crap,its going to be a while,most likely. Its probably good though,I am hearing the RX 580 will be 8GB at 200 dollars. Its rumor but its going around pretty extensively. Seeing as the RX 5 series is supposedly next month,I may as well bide my time until then. If not,I have been drooling over that hard swap fan capable XFX GTR RX 480 and hope that a 580 version will be available. Also kicking the idea of a refurbished GTX 1070,to save money on that side of things,but I worry it may backfire. Never got anything refurbished before.