Not sure which laptop to get


Jul 9, 2013
ok both laptops are basically the same, specs:
first one:
Intel Core i7 3630QM 2,4GHz, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 2 x (SLI) NVIDIA GT 650M, Windows 8

second one:
Intel Core i7 3630QM, 2,4GHz, 16GB RAM, 750GB HDD, 128GB SSD, NVIDIA GTX 670MX, Windows 8.

So the difference (apart from small hard drive difference) is the graphics card, so what do you think?

2 of the 650M or 1 670MX?

I need it for rendering fast with adobe products and running high graphics games + recording softwares at top settings.

GeForce GTX 670MX 1536 MB GDDR5
VS 2 NVIDIA GT 650M 2048 MB
670mx is two 670m chips, so it is much faster than the first one.
*ignore this. This is wrong, sorry.

the 16 gb ssd won't get you anywhere, go with the second one. It is better.
I would go with the second one. Not only is the GPU better but you get a SSD to boot. You can load your OS onto the SSD for faster boot time. I can't say much about mobile GPU's but on desktop's it is always better to have one GPU than to SLI two low end one's. From what I have read the GTX 670m should be able to play most games with full detail with no problems.