Not upholding the law allows for insanity

Using the same old liberal,progressive approaches, they use sexism and racism for their gain.
Its a sad state, and instead of not enforcing the law, and stopping this, Oakland, OWS movement and sanity is at risk.

Now, its time to make some disownment here, and the real people with real problems needs to be protected.
It gets old when sometimes a good idea is always allowed to be taken over by zealots, and its time to fess up, allowing for the right of protest brings the responsibility of those who favor not only this right, but especially those that favor these particular protests, to own up, admit that associations mean something, no matter who it is, and I leave this open to apply it to everyone, from the lowest to the highest, quit ignoring this, dont support it unless its real and decent and honest, and to carefully change your mind.
If this irresponsibility continues, it will cheapen our rights, cause harm to others, and possibly ruin an ideal
Blah blah blah talking point blah blah blah

Fringe group does stupid *** and now you blame all liberals and progressives, grow up.

It was a story worth sharing, and could have been discussed but your slam against "Using the same old liberal,progressive approaches, they use sexism and racism for their gain" is found less.

You have cheapened the story with your partisan bullshit.
No, Ive raised it by daring to call on responsibility, which you ignored completely.
Either we are to have freedom of speech done in responsible mature ways, or we act immaturely, unresponsibly, and allow for this.
If this were a so called right wing group, where then would be the responsibility.
Then also, if it were, would we then see many conservatives backing them up?

I think not, and is why Im calling this one out.
If you prefer to run with the rabble, it wont be long before youre considered such, right?
If you want your point taken seriously, you seperate, condemn and dont allow this going forwards, right?
Ignoring this only supports what I said earlier, and shifting blame is nothing but more of the same.
This is not tolerable, no more than the KKK and their ilk
What I find funny is, during all the many tea party events, all the rumors about such carrying on, and yet, no audio, scarcely a sign, and yes, Im sure a few bad ones were seen before they were kicked out, all Im saying here is, the proportions/numbers are much higher, have been ignored, and its time to do some kicking, agreed?
See that is what Im saying you could care less about the actual story, you just want to point out those evil liberal progressives.

Thats my point, this isnt a news piece, you didnt want to talk about it, you just wanted to use it as a way of putting down what you perceive as the liberal agenda.

I dont agree with these assholes. They are nucking futs to be behaving in this way. Completely in the wrong and no one should support this kind of behavior. But that's not the point of this post.

But there were literally tens of people there, it is retarded for you to just throw everybody you don't like into that group. Im a pretty liberal guy and it pisses me off when you group me in with assholes.

Good job with the troll post, you've got me pissed off.

Ummm, look at the title mingo
By not putting an end to the corrupt within this protest has allowed for this.
By defending or ignoring these things has allowed for this.
By not using the law, the Oakland mayor is getting called out on this, it can happen too easily, as we see it degrade the worth of OWS, and their decent talking points they did have
It takes those marching, those of somewhat similar mind/faith/belief etc to make the greatest impact.
Not separating this right away brings these associations.
Being lax on this opens the doors, as weve seen one group after another usurp OWS.

As movements get organized, you can bet the zealots are close by.
To not point that out as a danger, and to not out and out condemn them is also one.

To define a movement, you have to do this.
To make law, the same
And again, Ive seen in many places, where tea party people were and are still defined as something they certainly are not, and jabs thrown, with no considerations.
Theres isnt a hundreth of the evidence, a hundreth of films, signs etc etc on them, yet its to this day spewed forth.
You think youre mad?
Im in the middle, as I see many wrongs, and wish them righted is all.
Someone else was on the other side when all were claiming bigotry etc against the tea party.
If there were such people there doing what was said, they didnt last.
Im saying, Id like to see that quick positive response on the other side as well
Lets run thru a hypothetical here.
Say at a teaparty rally, there were some people carrying obvious signs, spewing bigotry.
It wouldnt be long at all before they were confronted.
Then, let us say, those sign carriers refused to leave.
What happens next defines the problems between many of the differing movements/rallys.
The teaparty would then be calling on the police for public calm, or, using the law to allow for their rights to be heard and seen.
OWS type rallies would also receive such support, but would only destroy the fallacies created by many within such groups about "the man"
Why do you continue to push this crap JDJ? Its the same thing with your OMG and Riser. Riser says all liberals are lazy, OMG says they are all stupid and you say they are all racists and sexist. I will let you know that I am a liberal and I am not any of those things. Please understand there is more than one kind of person in this world.

This is what happens when people "fanatically" engage themselves in politics. Fair and balanced thought (pun intended) is thrown out the window in favor of demeaning the opposition by generalization to the extreme cases, thus reinforcing ones ideals, whether it is true or not. Not to say anyone here does that (although I am sure some do), I just don't know anyone well enough to make such an accusation.. just a general observation of those who associate themselves with polarized politics that I know personally or know to some lesser extent. In all reality both the Republican and Democratic parties have their flaws - albeit in different areas and to different extremes. At the end of the day one really ends up being no better than the other.

It's quite unfortunate that good discussion is often destroyed because one chooses to defend their position by calling out the other camp. We're all individuals with different opinions on any variety of touchy topics, topics that often contain a lot of grey area. Rather than distance ourselves from a party (or perhaps more importantly acknowledge that the other view does not align with the most "extreme" oppositional point possible) and have good discussion it becomes nothing but posturing and unproductive he-said-she-said, polarized discussion.