Notebook GTX 1060 low clock speeds


Jun 4, 2017
Lately I've had this issue. During games, my GPU clocks are all over the place. Rarely they are around 1650Mz, which is how it should be. But most of the time they are around 1000-1300Mz. Dipping as low as 950Mz and not really getting above 1405Mz. Even at 100% GPU usage.

The problem is not:
1. Framerate limiter. I dont have any in place.
2. GPU Driver. I tried reinstalling it using the "Perform a clean installation" option. Might still be the problem tho.
3. Power option. Have it on Prefer Maximum perfomance.
4. Game. Have tried 3 diffrent games, all showing the same issue. (GTA V, DOOM, Overwatch)
5. Overheating. GPU stays bellow 80 C most of the time. Even with fans on max and temps under 70, still low clocks.

I usually have an overclock in place (+170Mz core, +450Mz memory), but I removed it thinking it was the issue, but it wasn't.
Ok sir. Performing a clean instalation in nvidia instalation will not work all the way. It doesn't removes the driver related files in registry as a ddu program does. Please do it for me and reinstall the drivers using this program. :

One more thing to mention I think it's a thermal throttling. I recommend you to set a temperature limit as high as you can in msi afterburner and aslo buy a decant cooling pad for your laptop. It will help it cool by 5 degrees. It did in my case. I recommend modecom as they are giving a lot of air inside your case and they are cheap. I haven't tried different cooling pads as I seen in shop they were weak. :)
Does it make any difference if you are plugged into power? Also 80 C is quite warm for a GPU so maybe try giving the laptop good clearance for air draw and see if that makes any difference
Ok sir. Performing a clean instalation in nvidia instalation will not work all the way. It doesn't removes the driver related files in registry as a ddu program does. Please do it for me and reinstall the drivers using this program. :

One more thing to mention I think it's a thermal throttling. I recommend you to set a temperature limit as high as you can in msi afterburner and aslo buy a decant cooling pad for your laptop. It will help it cool by 5 degrees. It did in my case. I recommend modecom as they are giving a lot of air inside your case and they are cheap. I haven't tried different cooling pads as I seen in shop they were weak. :)